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WTF: The Story of the Strangest Star We’veKnown



There’s clearly something mysterious goingon. We don’t know what it is or how it works and we’re as close to figuring itout as we were in 2009.


An artist’s impression of Tabby’s star.Credit: NASA/Wikimedia Commons

艺术家想象中的塔比星。图片版权:NASA/Wikimedia Commons

Sandhya Ramesh is a science writer focusingon astronomy and earth science.

Sandhya Ramesh是一名关注天文学和地球科学的科普作者。

In May of 2009, several hundred peoplearound the world noticed a star in a galaxy far, far away. It looked likenothing they’d ever seen before. They thronged to discussion forums on the webfor the citizen science project called Planet Hunters and frantically discussedwhat they were seeing. They’d all been working on data obtained by the KeplerSpace Telescope. The star, later called KIC 8462852, was blxing in a verystrange way.


Hunting for planets outside the SolarSystem is an active field of astronomy today. The first exoplanet wasdiscovered in 1992. Only 25 years later, there are more than 3,500 confirmedplanets orbiting stars other than our own. NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope alonewas responsible for finding over 2,000. It did so by watching the stars in apatch of the sky for weeks, months or even years at a time. When a planet thatgoes around one of these stars crosses against the face of its star, it casts asmall but definite shadow in the starlight. These shadows are recorded and canbe used to calculate the size of the planet. The larger the planet, the morelight it blocks.


The resulting database is hundreds ofterabytes large, so astronomers use finely tuned computer-programs to siftthrough it looking for the telltale signs of an exoplanet. The programs aremore efficient and can process information much faster than a team ofastronomers ever could. But they aren’t perfect either. Sometimes, the programsmiss things that they haven’t been taught to look for. So enter citizenscience.


Students, homemakers, artists, grandparentsall contribute to citizen science projects in myriad ways. There are projects thathelp look through camera trap pictures to identify animals. Projects where youand I can look at images of the Martian surface to identify wind patterns, atscanned manuscxts and digitise text, even create a database of wildlife. Thehuman brain is very good at recognising patterns – so much so that we even seepatterns where there might not be any.


Planet Hunters is a citizen science projectto help identify dips in the brightness of stars that computers could havemissed. As of August 2017, over 300,000 citizen scientists access it and combthrough Kepler data every day.


In June 2009, astronomer Tabetha Boyajianwas alxed by a number of citizen scientists that a particular star about1,500 lightyears away was being consistently flagged by users as “interesting”and “bizarre.” Then a postdoc at the University of Yale, Boyajian and hercolleague Debra Fischer, who founded Planet Hunters, were hooked. The star theywere looking at did look like an anomaly. Its brightness initially dipped by atiny 0.5% – which was normal – but it lasted for four days, which is totallynot normal. Typically, planets that cross the path of stars like these tend tohave dips that last only a few hours.

在2009年6月,天文学家Tabetha Boyajian收到一群公民科学工作者的警报,称有一颗大概1500光年以外的独特恒星一直在被用户们贴上“有趣”或者“怪异”的标签。作为耶鲁大学的博士后,Boyajian和她的同事Debra Fischer——行星猎手项目的发起人——被这个情况吸引住了。这颗恒星的确看起来十分不同。它的亮度一开始减弱了微小的0.5%——这很平常——但整整持续了四天,这就完全不平常了。一般来说,行星掠过类似恒星的表面形成的亮度干扰大概只会持续几个小时。

That was the first dip in brightness theynoticed in the data, in early 2009. Following this, a few weeks later, thebrightness of KIC 8462852 dipped for almost a full week. Boyajian and Fischerspent days poring over the data and running through numbers, but the behaviourof KIC 8462852 couldn’t be explained away. The instruments were working fine,the computers were working fine, the data was clear. The dips were real – andinexplicable. And not only were there long periods of dimming, they were alsoweird kinds of dimming.


When a planet passes in front of a star,because of its near spherical shape, it creates a symmetric dip as it crossesagainst the disc of the star. The way the brightness dropped on a graph wasalso the way it picked up (see image below).


Credit: NASA/Kepler Mission

But the dips Kepler spotted with 8462852were asymmetric.


Credit: T. Boyajian & team/MNRAS

Planets also orbit their stars in fixedperiods of time, and they reappear after exactly the same amount of time duringeach dimming event. But whatever was moving around KIC 8462852 was causing thestarlight to dim unpredictably, randomly.


Citizen scientists and astronomerscontinued to study the star, which had returned to its regular brightness.


Two years later, in March 2011, Keplerrecorded a new dip in the brightness of KIC 8462852 and sent astronomers into atizzy. A large planet the size of Jupiter records about 1% dip in its star’sbrightness, at most. But the brightness of KIC 8462852 had dipped by nearly15%. Like in 2009, the dip was again asymmetric, and lasted a week beforeslipping back to normal. This pattern repeated for a few days and then the starwent ‘silent’ again.


Strong reduction of light from KIC 8462852in March 2011 (day 792 of Kepler observations). Credit: JohnPassos/WikimediaCommons, CC BY-SA 4.0


In February 2013, and later in April, KIC8462852 woke up once more. This time, it threw up a very irregular series ofdips. While previous patterns involved simple dips in brightnesses at randomintervals, the new data implied that its brightness was shifting in bothintensity and, now, duration. The dip patterns were complicated as well.Astronomers spotted smaller dips within bigger dips, and even smaller oneswithin them. This fractal flux of its brightness was repeated across many days,as well as in the form of irregular recursions within the same dataset, whichitself was becoming quite complex. At one point, the star’s brightness dippedby a stunning 22%.


The February 2013 dip. Credit:JohnPassos/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0

发生在2013年2月的干扰。图片版权:JohnPassos/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0

The April 2013 dip. Credit:JohnPassos/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0

发生在2013年4月的干扰。图片版权:JohnPassos/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0

In October 2015, Boyajian and her teampublished a paper with her team, titled ‘Where’s The Flux’, that set off a media frenzyand brought the star within the astronomy world’s spotlight. Ever since, KIC8462852 has been called Tabby’s star, Boyajian’s star and – quite aptly – theWTF star.

在2015年10月,Boyajian和她的团队一起发表了一篇论文,标题是《光通量都去哪了》(Where’sThe Flux)。这篇论文引起了媒体的疯狂追捧,并让这颗恒星成为天文学界的焦点。从那以后,KIC8462852被称为塔比星、Boyajian星或者——非常形象——什么鬼星(WTF star)。

Things that cause stars to dim have veryspecific signatures depending on their physical properties. This kind of datais usually found in the light that the star emits. If it was a cloud of dustblocking it, it’d be blocking more blue light than anything else. If somethingmore solid and ample was in the way, it would be blocking light of allwavelengths. Solid obxts would also heat up and glow in the infrared data.Another kind of heating, so to speak, can also reveal what the obxt is madeof. Some elements absorb certain frequencies of starlight, which would show upas blanks in the recorded data. This barcode of sorts can be used to ID groupsof elements.


Using their spectroscopic tools,astronomers were able to deduce that Tabby’s star was a middle-aged starburning just like our 4.5-billion-year-old Sun (in technical parlance, anF-type main-sequence star).


In light of all this information, Boyajianand her team offered a few scenarios in 2015 that could explain what might becausing the mysterious dimming.


On top of the list – and to no one’s surprise– was a protoplanetary disc. A star system forms when a giant cloud of gascollapses under the weight of its own gravity and starts to spin around. Whenthat happens, all the material spreads out like a disc, spinning faster. It isdensest at the centre, where the system’s host star will eventually form, whilethe light stuff – gases and some rocks – are flung outward. This is theprotoplanetary disc. It’s where planets are born. Clumps of material collidehere and there, forming bigger clumps that then snowball into planetesimals.The gases that are expelled further out of the disc form the distinctlyspectacular yet bottomless gas giants.


The protoplanetary disc revolves around astar for millions of years before a stable planetary system can come to be. Inthis time, the disc can cause irregular dips in the star’s brightness (as seenby a distant observer).


But there was one big hole in this theory:protoplanetary discs, by virtue of being ‘proto’, exist only around newbornstars. Tabby’s star isn’t newborn.


Moreover, dust absorbs heat. When itbecomes even mildly hot, say to the temperature of the human body, it startsglowing in the eyes of an infrared telescope. But NASA’s Spitzer telescope sawno such thing. It also ruled out ideas like two planets colliding and trashingtheir orbits with rocks or a planet being blown apart in an intergalactic spacebattle. In fact, it seems there’s just no debris around Tabby’s star.


Next idea: Maybe the star itself grew insize and brightness and then shrank back down? There are several such stars weknow today. Astronomers call them variable stars. The largest star in theobservable universe, UY Scuti, is an example. They’re observed when a youngstar’s brightness and mass suddenly spike when a large amount of material fallsfrom a planetary disc into the star. But this idea was also knocked down by thesame hammer: the star isn’t young and there’s no protoplanetary disc.

下一个说法:或许这颗恒星的尺寸和亮度会自行增加和减少?目前我们知道的确有一些恒星是这样的。天文学家称这些恒星为变星。在可观测宇宙中发现的最大恒星UY Scuti就是这样的星星。它们通常会在原始行星盘中大量物质被吸入年轻恒星导致亮度和体积突然激增时被发现。但这个说法也被同样的矛攻破了:这颗恒星并不年轻,周围没有原始行星盘。

The Boyajian et al paper concluded that afamily of passing comets would be the most acceptable explanation. But it’salso unlikely: to cause the levels of dimming that astronomers were seeing withTabby’s star, a locusts’ swarm of giant comets would have had to be passing by.If they existed, they would likely have been formed when a rocky body about 100km wide was shattered in a single explosion. Comets also don’t glow in theinfrared; the ice on them absorbs the heat and sublimates into space. Asimprobable as it sounds, this was the only idea that couldn’t be knocked downright away.


However, none of these ideas – as trustingas they were in natural explanations – caught the public imagination as much astwo words that emerged in a conversation between Boyajian and an astronomer atPennsylvania State University a year earlier.


What a Dyson bubble would look like.Credit: capnhack/Wikispaces, CC BY-SA 3.0

戴森泡可能的样子。图片版权:capnhack/Wikispaces, CC BY-SA3.0

One of the things we look for when we lookfor intelligent civilisations out there is a synthetic sign of their presence.We look for things they might’ve built or signals their machines might’veemitted. We assume that if there are aliens out there, they’ve been around forlonger than we have and lead more sophisticated lives. We think they might’veexhausted all the fuel available on their planet and are now looking elsewhere.For such a guzzler of a civilisation, what better power source to focus on thanan entire star?


In a paper published in 1960, the physicistFreeman Dyson described a megastructure since called a Dyson sphere. It wouldbe a supermassive shell built around a star, its insides lined with solarpanels and other devices. All the energy that the star had to give, the spherewould devour. At various stages of construction, this megastructure would belike a ring equipped with living areas and power stations, then a ‘bubble’ inthe form of multiple rings, and then the sphere itself.


In 2014, John Wright, the Penn Stateastronomer was fascinated by large structures that advanced civilisations couldbuild to harvest energy. He suggested looking for a Dyson sphere around Tabby’sstar. This is why it’s also called the ‘alien megastructure’ star.


Like with the disc and variable star ideas,there was a hole in this one as well. A Dyson sphere, by virtue of fielding thetotal energy output of an F-type star, would have to be heating up. But thecorresponding heat signature couldn’t be found in the data.


Wright had been working on a paper aboutdetecting transiting alien megastructures with the Kepler telescope. Hetheorised that the telescope was powerful enough to distinguish betweenartificial structures like giant solar panels, ringworlds, large spacebornebeacons looking for other aliens, etc., from exoplanets. He’d written a blog post about it in 2013. When hewas in the process of turning it into a journal article, Boyajian visited PennState for a lecture and shared then-unpublished data of the dimmings withWright.


By the next year, Wright was captivatedenough by the strangeness of the data to book time on the Green Bank Telescope,operated by the Berkeley SETI Research Centre, to observe Tabby’s star. (SETIstands for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.)

在接下来的一年,Wright被奇怪的数据迷得神魂颠倒,他向伯克利SETI研究中心运行的绿坝望远镜预订了使用时间以观测塔比星。(SETI即地外智慧生命搜索, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence)

At the same time, media hysteria wasfuelled by a paper Wright and his team finishedwriting in December 2015, about how megastructures would look, using Tabby’sstar as an example.


It didn’t take long for Wright’s measuredcomments to become sensationalised. Once every two or three weeks in 2016, aheadline somewhere in the world screamed “alien megastructure”. But while alienmegastructures could exist in theory, astronomers weren’t sold on it. Theydemanded observational proof – as was their right.


They still don’t have it.


In the time since Wright made hissuggestions, his peers have forwarded another theory – this one thankfully morenatural again. Astronomers from the Universities of Valencia and Cantabria,both in Spain, asked: What if the cause of the dimming was one large, massiveplanet with orbiting companions called trojans?


Trojans are rocky bodies that orbit a starin the same orbit as a planet but at a different point. So for every planet,there are two areas in its orbit (before and after) where smaller bodies canpark themselves. In some of these areas, the gravitational effects of the starand the planet would cancel out, leaving the body not moving in the orbit asmuch as moving with the orbit itself. In other words, this obxt – a trojan –would be at the same relative position as seen from the star or the planet.


The Spaniards simulated models of ringedplanets and trojans. “We aim at offering a relatively natural solution,invoking only phenomena that have been previously observed, although perhaps inlarger or more massive versions,” they wrote in a June 2017 preprint paper.


What if there really was a planet fivetimes the size of Jupiter with numerous trojans on either side? According tothe model simulated by the scientists, first some Trojans pass in between thestar and us, causing intermittent and irregular dimming. Then, when this planetpasses in front of its star, we first see the rings blocking the starlightdimly, followed by the planet creating a huge dent in the brightness, and thenthe rest of the rings pass by. Then, after 700 days, we see the trailingtrojans. This, the scientists say, could explain the relatively smooth dipcaused by a planet and then the series of sudden jagged, nested dips caused bythe trojans.


If the model is anything to go by, thesupergiant planet will have an orbital period of 12 years. And as thingscurrently stand, those interested can expect to see the effect of trojans(assuming they’re there) on the light from Tabby’s star in 2021, followed bythat of the planet itself two years later.


The idea of a ringed planet is particularlycaptivating to scientists, it seems. Another pre-print paper earlier this month made the same claim:maybe a planet with rings can explain the phenomenon…


However, a ringed planet would stillprovide a consistent dimming pattern – something we haven’t yet seen.


Starting late 2015, the SETI Institutebegan looking for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence from the direction ofTabby’s star. Specifically, the institute pointed the Allen Telescope Array inCalifornia in the star’s general direction hoping to pick up on radio wavesencoded with information that would betray the hand of an alien intelligence.The odds of actually picking up on a signal were poor. Tabby’s star is 1,500lightyears away. Anything we detect now should’ve been emitted that many yearsago. Moreover, if the Tabbians were an advanced civilisation, beaming radiosignals into arbitrary patches of sky wouldn’t have made much sense. Theywould’ve observed us first and then sent out something intended specificallyfor us – a 3,000-year process because that’s how long radiation would take totravel back and forth.


Three-thousand years ago – i.e. in 985 BC –the Mauryas were ruling over most of India, and both Confucianism and Hellenismwere just starting to develop. If at all these beings were able to detect lifeon our planet, they would have observed us in the Iron Age. First, they’d havehad to calculate how long we would take to become proficient at detecting radiosignals, then they’d have to beam signals at us for years together so that oneday, someday, we’d finally turn our telescopic ears in their direction.Essentially, the chances are too low.


The Allen array didn’t detect anythingduring its observations. Astronomers at SETI also were on the lookout for radiosignals. A smaller effort even looked forflashes of lasers from around the star.




Faulkes Telescope South, Australia, withthe Small and Large Magellanic Clouds visible in the sky. Credit: LCOGT


In all this time, Tabby’s Star has beensteadily dimming, with nothing blocking its light as far as we can tell. It’sfading away and we have no idea why.


Monitoring it round-the-clock is importantif only because astronomers can pick up on the smallest clues. But for thispurpose, government-run telescopes are usually overbooked. Even if they wereavailable, their administrators don’t prefer taking on long-term observations.So Boyajian and her team have turned to private observatories – like the LasCumbres Observatory Global Telescope (LCOGT) Network. Its scopes areplaced strategically across the globe soastronomers can use them to look at an obxt (in the sky, not across the road)24×7. And to pay for using them for a year, Boyajian raised $107,421 througha Kickstarter campaign inMay 2016.


Fast forward to 2017.


All the attention has brought together acommunity of amateur and professional astronomers who are constantly observing,working on and thinking about Tabby’s star. The smallest of fluctuations in itsbrightness is meticulously recorded and shared.


On April 24, an alx went out from arobotic telescope at the Fairborn Observatory, Arizona, after it noticed a dipin the star’s brightness. It was a perfectly normal statistical fluctuation andthe brightness returned to its former level in a week. But astronomers weren’t– aren’t – risking any complacency. Eternal vigilance is the official partyline.


A similar event occurred on May 14 at theMercator Telescope in Spain. Scientists there promptly contacted Boyajian, butthe data she was shown sported just another statistical variation. “In the end,it ended up being an artefact – i.e. not real,” she told The Wire.


But only four days later, FairbornObservatory and the LCOGT observed another dip, a prospective dimming event. Analx went out the next day. “Fairborn and LCO saw the same borderlinedecline,” Boyajian said. “We monitored the star closely that night and soundedoff the alx when it was confirmed by two different observatories.”


She was excited and called Wright at 4 amon May 19. Fairborn’s message said the star had dimmed by 2%. Just in case,Wright also tweeted, “alx: [Tabby’s star] is dipping.This is not a drill. Astro tweeps on telescopes in the next 48 hours: spectraplease!” In a few hours, a small army of astronomers around the world werelooking intently at the distant orb – whose brightness, by the way, went on todip by another 1%.


Dozens of telescopes, like the Great Canary Telescope,booked weeks – some, months – in advance came together to observe the star. Theheavyweights joined in too, including the twin telescopes at the KeckObservatory (Hawaii), the LCOGT and the Multiple Mirror Telescope Observatory(Arizona). The Green Bank telescope continued to observe it. Even the Swifttelescope, which studies ultraviolet radiation in the universe from its perchin space, was going “WTF”.


This graph shows the brightness relative tothe star’s normal brightness. The lowest point is a 2% drop. The star has sincerecovered from this dimming event. Source: LCOGT and Tennessee StateUniversity/Centre of Excellence for Information Systems Engineering andManagement/Fairborn Observatory

图表显示这颗恒星的正常亮度。最低点是亮度减少2%。自此点之后该星开始恢复亮度。图片版权:LCOGT and Tennessee State University/Centre of Excellence forInformation Systems Engineering and Management/Fairborn Observatory

This wasn’t an unexpected event at all.Tabby’s 2015 paper had said it would happen: “A more robust prediction is thatfuture dimming events should occur roughly every 750 days, with one in 2015April” – missed because of a glitch on Kepler – “and another in 2017 May.”


But what was really unexpected was that thestar’s brightness returned to normal in a few days, dimming again by almost 2%on June 13 and 14 and bouncing back yet again in days. On July 4, itsbrightness dipped by 0.5% before returning to normal. At the time this articlewas published, the star dimmed by another 3%.


The next major dimming event is expected tooccur in mid-2019. Hopefully that’s enough time for astronomers to think upmore plausible explanations.


To complicate things further, Tabby’s starhas been showing signs of long-term dimming. It’s slowly fading away. BradleySchaefer, an astronomer at Louisiana State University, decided to dig aroundfor older records of Tabby’s Star from sky surveys. He found out that the starhad been photographed over 1,200 times between 1890 and 1989. Going throughthis 100 years’ worth of data, he discovered thatthe star has dropped in its overall brightness by nearly 20%. There have beenmore studies about this phenomenon and all seem to confirm it. This long term dimming isn’tsteady either. There have been times when Tabby’s star decided to perk up andbe bright… before starting to fade again.


Astronomer Huan Meng from the University ofArizona recently led a study in conjunction with Boyajian where Tabby’s starwas observed two new telescopes: Swift (which observes in the X-ray andultraviolet wavelengths) and Spitzer (infrared). They found that allwavelengths showed consistent dimming. However, the rate of dimming wasdifferent in different wavelengths. Meng concludes that the most likelyexplanation for this is microscopic particles orbiting the star (i.e. acircumstellar disc). This accounts for both the star’s long-term fading and itsdrastic dimming events – but a solid conclusion still needs more research,accurate prediction and observing what’s actually happening. Only then can wefully understand this unique star.

亚利桑那大学的天文学家Huan Meng最近正与Boyajian联合带领一项研究,依靠两座最新加入塔比星观测的望远镜:斯威夫特望远镜(主要观测X射线和紫外线)和斯皮策望远镜(红外线)。他们发现所有波长的电磁波都发生了持续的减弱。然而,不同波长的电磁波减弱的程度也不同。Meng总结说,最有可能的原因是有微小粒子围绕该星旋转(例如星周圆盘)。这些微小粒子造成了该星的长期变暗和急剧变暗事件——但是得出更有说服力的结论仍需要进行更多研究、准确预测和对当前发生事件的观测。只有那时我们才能完全理解这颗特异的恒星。

There’s clearly something mysterious goingon. We don’t know what it is or how it works and we’re as close to figuring itout as we were in 2009. But when we do – as we think we will – we stand tolearn something new for sure. Humankind has never encountered a star asbaffling as Tabby’s. As Boyajian put it, “What will it mean if we find anotherstar like this? More importantly, what will it mean if we don’t?”



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